Every season change is an opportunity. These monthly themes don’t mean that you have to force feeling realistic, for example. It’s simply pointing out what to cognizant of. In meditation, the initial goal isn’t to shut down thoughts completely, it’s to objectively notice them, and let them move away instead of focusing on them. Instead of grabbing onto the thread and continuing to pull, you simply let it be.
Some ideas learned from Leo season, an expressive, confident, and loyal season:
trusting your power is scary. That overused Eleanor Roosevelt quote was right, and it’s a cliche for a reason. Notice that tiny bit of self doubt and hesitation that creeps in, almost automatically, when doing something new or scary. Whether it’s wheel pose in yoga or making a phone call that takes courage, you have the power. You just need to recognize it.
This is your real life. No matter how disingenuous it may feel, or how much it may seem like a stopgap. It’s all part of your real-life story. Own it, feel it.
Focus and things happen. I am a queen of overloading my plate. Keep it small, keep it organized. Keep it fiery but realistic. I set three goals for this quarter and planned my weeks exclusively around them, and so much progress was made. I’m realistically looking at my (busy) calendar before I set my goals for next quarter. Going back to that first point — progress can be made. You simply may need to intentionally choose to not pay attention to something else.
You can leave things behind. Evaluate the stories that aren’t working. Evaluate the habits that don’t work anymore. Nothing is ephemeral. As annoying as it can be, these are questions we need to constantly be asking ourselves in order to authentically be who we are, now?
For: Thoughtful, hyper-organized organizations that are down-to-earth. A great fit for operations or finance consultancies, executive assistants, etc.
Key colors: Moss green, tan, light blue, other earth tones.
Textures: Linen, cross-hatching
Patterns: Nature-inspired linework
Fonts: Simple, trustworthy sans serifs that communciate stablity